Declassified Documents: Obama Ordered CIA To Train ISIS

Government watchdog Judicial Watch published more than 100 pages of formerly classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the State Department.
Правительственное служба "Judicial Watch" опубликовала более 100 страниц ранее секретных документов из Министерства обороны США и Госдепартамента.
The documents obtained through a federal lawsuit, revealed the agencies earlier views on ISIS, namely that they were a desirable presence in Eastern Syria in 2012 and that they should be “supported” in order to isolate the Syrian regime.
Полученные через федеральный суд документы, раскрывают прежние взгляды агентства на ИГИЛ, а именно, что их присутствие в Восточной Сирии в 2012 году было желательно и что они должны были быть "поддержаны" для того, чтобы изолировать сирийский режим.
The U.S. intelligence documents not only confirms suspicions that the United States and some of its coalition allies had actually facilitated the rise of the ISIS in Syria – as a counterweight to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad- but also that ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency at facilities in Jordan in 2012.
Разведывательные американские документы не только подтверждает подозрения, что Соединенные Штаты и некоторые из их союзников по коалиции фактически способствовали возникновению в ИГИЛ в Сирии - в качестве противовеса сирийскому правительству президента Башара аль-Ассада, но также, что члены ИГИЛ проходили обучение и подготовку у сотрудников и и подрядчиков ЦРУ на объектах в Иордании в 2012 году.
Examiner reports:
One of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents declared that President Barack Obama and his counterparts within the coalition considered the establishment of aSalafist organization in eastern Syria in order to further downfall of the Assad regime. “And this is exactly what the supporting powers to the (Syrian) opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime,” said the DIA report, which had been formerly classified until its release. Salafists are radical Sunnis and an offshoot of the Saudi’s Wahhabi sect.
The contents of that document had been promulgated by the Obama administration to the U.S. Central Command (CENCOM), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its directorates, as well as to the State Department and many other related agencies.
Military intelligence officials had also warned that any further damage caused by the Syrian civil war might have an adverse effect on the fragile government in neighboring Iraq. The intelligence analysis predicted that such a situation could lead to al-Qaida in Iraq (AQII) returning especially in the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Ramadi.
The DIA report also predicted that ISIS would declare a caliphate through its affiliation with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, including members of what the Obama administration terms “core al-Qaida” to differentiate it from offshoots such as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.
The now declassified document appears to confirm that the U.S., the European Union and other nations viewed Muslim extremists in ISIS as “a strategic asset toward regime change in Syria.” As a result parts of Iraq have been in chaos since ISIS began to cross the Syrian border in early June 2014.
The documents obtained by Judicial Watch also provide the first official documentation that the Obama administration was well aware that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops — including members from ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front and other Islamist terror groups — in Syria. An October 2012 report confirms thatr: “Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.” The deadly and shocking attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission that saw four Americans — including a U.S. ambassador — slaughtered by jihadists occurred just weeks after the weapons shipment.
Полученные Judicial Watch документы также предоставляют первую официальную документацию, что администрации Обамы было хорошо известно, что оружие отправлялось из Бенгази войскам мятежников - в том числе членов ИГИЛ, фронта Аль-Нусра и других исламистских террористических групп - в Сирии. Отчет октября 2012 подтверждает: "Оружие из бывших военных запасов Ливия было отправлено из порта Бенгази, Ливия в порт Баниас и порт Бордж ислам, Сирия. В числе оружия, отправленного в конце августа 2012 года, были снайперские винтовки, РПГ, и ракеты 125 мм и 155мм гаубицы. "Смертоносное и шокирующее нападение на диппредставительства США, при котором четыре американца, в том числе и посол США, были убиты джихадистами, произошло всего несколько недель после того, как произошла отгрузка оружия.
Following the downfall and killing of Gaddafi in October 2011 until almost a year later in September 2012, the desolved Libyan military’s weapons were stockpiled in Benghazi, Libya. According to the intelligence report, they were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya, to the ports located in Syria. The ships used to transport the weapons were medium-sized and able to hold 10 or less shipping containers of cargo, according to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch.
После падения и убийства Каддафи в октябре 2011 года в течении почти года до сентября 2012 года, оружие растворившейся ливийской армии было складировано в Бенгази, Ливия. Согласно отчету разведки, оно было отправлены из порта Бенгази, Ливия, к портам, расположенных в Сирии. Корабли, используемые для перевозки оружия были среднего размера и в состоянии перевозить 10 или менее морских грузовых контейнеров, что подтверждается документами, полученным Judicial Watch.
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